Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy 12-12-12 birthday to my daughter !

Well it's my daughter 12 - 12 -12 birthday!  I delivered a red velvet with cream cheese icing cake to her at work and told them it was Twelveina's Birthday today :-)  she loves all the attention and turned red as her red sweater she was wearing.  Lot's of fun.   I didn't have any cake...but I might have a bite when I go back to pick her up for some late night girl shopping after work.  That's what we are doing for her birthday together...the weekend will be with all her other peeps! 

My friend help me get my house all decorated and we had wine and a good time!  The house looks wonderful and I am almost done with all the preparations for christmas know visits, office parties, house parties, etc.   I will be starting my events this Saturday with the office gathering then sunday with a Christmas tour day.  I am going up to the local mountain with friends then a late lunch ..then Christmas light tour and back to my house to visit.   Should be fun and busy.  

Wishing you all lots of fun....try to just enjoy the moment. 
 ....Nobody will know that you forgot to get the perfect candles or "whatever" we are the only ones who knows what goes on in our heads...shhhhh....and don't tell them what you forgot...just have fun together!