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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Well I have had house guess for the last 11 days...I'm not use to it and I found myself stress eating :(  atleast they were BCF friendly foods but still a bad habit.   Strangely enough even as I was doing it I am telling myself I am stress eating...but I did it anyways.   I didn't know how to keep my emotional reaction in check, I suffer from people pleaser effects .... I was afraid if I didn't shut down my emotional I was going to be rude to my house guest....and I find when I feel that coming on I strike first and ask question later.  I don't usually have people staying in my home and didn't except myself to react that way....so I stress ate :(   instead of dealing with my emotions.   Finally on the last day I did have a discussion with my guest which help me.   I think because I felt safe that I wouldn't have to live with their response if it didn't go well because they were leaving.   Oh the things we do to avoid dealing with our emotions or others emotional reactions.   I'm glad to report even though I did stress eat I did manage to reduce 2 more pounds!!  Yeah!

Well now I am off to plant my herb garden with my daughter's help.


  1. Great job, Sandra. It can be hard dealing with other people, especially if you're not sure how they are going to react. You dealt with the situation in a time frame that you felt was best. Sometimes it is best to deal with a situation at a later date instead of right away. Good for you for losing weight despite that.

  2. well you made it thru - at least it was BFC foods. That time when I met Jorge he said if you are gonna cheat - do it with BFC foods. :-)

  3. I totally agree with what Jorge told Rosalie. If I'm going to cheat it's best to do it on BFC foods. Why has it taken me sooo long to get that one in my head!! Good job surviving having guests for 11 days and for the weight loss. Have a great day Sandra!

  4. House guests for 11 days would make anyone stress eat! Good job on the loss:)

  5. I agree with everyone - way to go on the 2 pounds! And also, better to overeat on BFC foods than not, TRUST ME! :)

  6. Agree as well about "cheating" with BFC foods! Glad you survived your ordeal and congrats on losing anyway - awesome ;)

  7. Hi sandra, I just came across your blog! Hi there Bfc friend!
    I was sooo touched by your post. I am exactly, i mean exactly like that. I will eat, and eat, and tell myself stop why the f are you doing this its bad, but yet i eat and eat and eat and fight again with my mind telling it to stop why can't i stop eating! Ugh its really irritating, I can relate sandra. Trust me, i can be like that too. I think I'm a perfectionist when it comes to eating healthy because i want to be in the health industry, maybe a nutritionist oone day, so i like to be the face of health, and when i don't do great bfc-ing i just sabotage myself, i meant it! SABOTAGE! I am just glad you had bfc friendly foods , instead of really horrrrrrrible foods, but still i can't say its a good habit, but I'm not a hypocrite. I do believe its a horrible thing for me to do,, even if they are bfc foods! its not okay! i just have a hard time sometimes with myself! much love!
