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Monday, October 22, 2012


I have mentioned before that I have a goal of snowshoeing this winter.  Well yesterday I was looking at some snowshoes to buy :-)  visualization with action... lol ... and today I am doing my walking, which is doing very good.     Also today I am making the protein bars that everyone has been enjoying....mmmmm.   plus getting my food prepared for the week.   I ate my breakfast this morning within an hour of waking up...I actually get a bit nauseous eating in the morning but I am having good results from it energy and weight wise, so I am thinking it will pass and it's just my body readjusting.

Well off to clean my fridge and make food....what an exciting day...I can hardly contain myself...NOT :-)


  1. I know you will love the protein bars - everyone does. Just make sure to eat within 2 hours after waking. It doesn't have to be 1.
    Have fun snow-shoeing :-)

  2. I can feel your excitement! You go girl!! I've kicked the protein bars up a notch by adding raw cocoa to them - woa! I've been doing some reading about feeling nauseous since I had some of that recently (with some acid reflux which was pretty much gone after I gave up grains). I've learned as we age low stomach acid can be an issue. Dr. Davis (Wheat Belly) recommended taking digestive enzymes to help. FYI if you want to look that up. Keep up the awesome energy Sandra!!

  3. Snowshoeing sounds like fun! I have no idea what it actually entails other than using the shoes to walk on snow, but it sounds like something I'd like to try. Those protein bites are good but addicting!
