Monday, March 5, 2012

One Month complete NO Sugar

I did it!  I made it over the 30 day mark and I am still eating healthy.  I usually let myself get pulled away from my goal for lots of self sabotaging reasons by this point so I am feeling pretty good about that.  Even though I weighed myself this morning and I am actually up one pound from last week and my measurements are on down one half inch I am still going straight ahead.

I have decided this is the way I will eat no sugar and no wheat ( my body can't digest wheat well )  there are so many things I can eat and this is a learning process.  My body is also peri-menopause so weight loss can be a challenge and takes determination.  I feel all premenstrual so that is probably why no real change this week.

I have notice that I have been going back to my old ways of forgetting to eat, last week Monday I even prep'd all my food put into containers then sat down and had a cup of tea then went off to bed.  Then realized the next day I forgot to eat my dinner ...I was so focused on making sure I had my food ready for the week I didn't eat when I was cooking it  I had breakfast that day and a small snack but that was it.  That's what started me down this road years ago...skipping meals!  yikes!  I use to get out of bed running and didn't stop until 2 or 3 in the afternoon for food...then a bad choice usually a latte and a so called healthy   So this week I am going to take my book with me everywhere I go and write down what I am eating.  I am hoping this will do two things for me.  First help me learning the values (carbs and sugars) of my choices and second to make sure I am eating regularly.   The note book is also necessary do to brain fog, which I am hoping will lift completely soon :-)  I started taking the Reslina and I have noticed my energy is increasing.

Well off to make breakfast :-)   Flaxseed with walnuts and a mapleline ( it's maple extract ) I love the combinations of flavors.


  1. Hi Sandra, My weight goes up and down all the time so don't worry. I am up 2lbs this morning but I am sure it will be gone tomorrow.
    I found it is real important to make use you eat 3 meals a day - so try real hard. I understand if wheat makes you sick, I do eat wheat - maybe not every day though.
    I am glad you are liking the Reslina.

    Have a great day :-)

  2. Thanks Rosalie...the other reason why I was able to make it through the 30 of no sugar and choosing healthy eating was because you and the others are very supportive! Thank you all.... and the newbies hint really help to :-) I am going eat 3 meals a day!! I am packing my lunch write's chore day.

  3. 30 days and you are feeling good and still inspired!!! The future is yours!!! I agree with Rosalie though, it is important to eat your meals every day. I also go up and down 2 lbs often. Most of the time it is because I have eaten too much salt or not enough fiber. The measurements are a better way to track your success anyway!!!
    You are doing great. Congrats:)

  4. You are doing great!! Love it! Keep up the good work, preparing food ahead and stuff - great way to keep on track!

  5. That's wonderful! Being able to stick to a new change for the first 30 days is huge. If you can do 30, you can do 30 more...
