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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 3rd, 2012

Hi Everyone,

I have been out of sorts lately and just shut down,  Boy have I felt the disconnect happening;  I get that way when I get overwhelmed.  Just needed to go quiet to work it out.  I think it helped because I feeling refreshed and ready to get back in saddle....the horse may have kicked me off but I am wiping the dust off my pants and ready to get back on.
It has been a real struggle for me, my weight is doing it real slow and easy.  So I have to reset and rewind and hit from another angle just to keep the slow results.  But now my hip is finally letting move more.  For the first time since last November I am able to walk down the stairs normally (it's a long story...just trust me this is a great thing!)  So I should be able to incorporate more activity which I believe for me is the key to increasing my metabolism and healing the years of damage I have done.   Walking (hiking) and resistance training will play a big role for me.   Between my injury and my lack of energy it has been difficult to add these things in so am looking forward to this and I have my Advil ready!  My muscles are going to be in shock :-)  but slow and easy I don't want to re-injure myself.   I am a bit of klutz when it comes to exercise.

Happy "Canada Day" & "Fourth of July" to all


  1. Oh, good. I'm glad to see that you're back in the saddle and feeling refreshed. It can be so hard to get refocused; glad you're back with us. :)

    Happy to hear that your hip is doing better and you can get around better. Any improvement is HUGE when it involves movement.

  2. You definitely have the right attitude. Just get up and dust your self off and keep going. I am a big klutz too :-)

  3. Welcome back! Take it easy on your hip, but great to hear that you are back at it! :)
