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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Good Morning

Good News I am still at 221lbs...I haven't bounced up (fingers crossed) I am listening to the pod cast that Trina suggested http://www.askthelowcarbexperts.com/2012/01/1-weight-loss-obstacles-jackie-eberstein/
I am finding it to be a good pep talk and reminding me of things to focus on.

Stress is a big one in my life, it's been chronic in my life;  which I have just gotten use to it and I think my body has gotten suck!  Managing stress is a big one for me, there really is no way to get rid of it from our lives other than going to live in the mountains away from all and then the bears and other wild things might cause you stress..LOL so finding a way to manage it sounds better to me.   Also they suggested to adding Chromium Polynicotinate and resistant training.   I have been trying to add the resistant training to my weekly routine and have been having a challenge with motivation and energy.  I will go today to my friendly health food store and pick me up some Chromium P.  


  1. Don't get discouraged - there were many weeks I did not lose. Just keep at it - but I don't think the chromium is a good idea though. Just my thoughts. :-)

    1. Just to clarify, Jackie Eberstein is an RN who worked with Dr. Atkins and his patients since 1974. Jimmy Moore described her as "arguably the world’s foremost authority on the Atkins low-carb lifestyle spending nearly three decades of her life working with patients of the late, great Dr. Atkins". I remember her mentioning chromium in the podcast.

      I found this blurb on Jimmy’s website, “Jackie Eberstein was the first person to tell me about the importance of taking chromium, which works at the cellular level to facilitate the action of insulin and control it for blood sugar stability. The GTF in the NOW brand stands for “glucose tolerance factor.” This special formulation also include niacin amino acid chelate as well.”

      And this one, “As far as other supplements, Eberstein recommends taking the mineral chromium (which I (Jimmy Moore) have been doing on her advice for about 4-5 months now) to produce a "healthy insulin and blood glucose balance."

      "It is thought that 90 percent of Americans are low on chromium," Eberstein said. "It is lost in the processing of grain foods in particular and is not replaced. Tiny amounts can be found in foods such as beef, cheese, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, barley, clams, scallops and lobster."

  2. Stress is a good thing to get under control. I don't know anything about Chromium so I couldn't say. You could ask for some Rescue Remedy at the Health food store, though.

    1. actually I use Bach Flower Remedies :-) ...not just the rescue remedy which is wonderful. I am trying to add daily meditation to reduce the daily stress and I feel its just makes good health sense to do so.

  3. Stress is a hard one! Let me know how the chromium works. I know you can do this if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other and don't quit:)

    1. I have tried chromium before a long time ago, I can't remember the results (meno-brain) but from the pod cast I was listening to it is a specific type of "Chromium picolinate" will help and not the straight Chromium which was what originally thought...all very interesting I will keep everyone posted. I will be the genie pig..LOL

  4. I have stress too Sandra and wish I didn't. Since giving up sugar/grains I feel I am much better at handling things than before but it's still not perfect. I also have a bad habit of not going to sleep early enough which I KNOW is detrimental ... ugh. I agree that you just keep on going. That's what I'm doing and with Rosalie as my inspiration I know I'll get there and so will you :)

  5. I just cut and pasted the link and ended up hearing someone about Quest bars. Not what I had wanted. but I will try to find the podcast another way. Chromium has been around for along time and people have used it to help with weight loss and maintenance. I will try to add this to my routine.

    1. yes the first time I tried the podcast it did that...it's a commercial then the pod cast starts.

    2. Hi Nancy, the podcast will start after that sponsored "ad". Jimmy has to fund these podcasts somehow so he has a sponsored ad at the beginning of each one. I really enjoyed Jackie's podcast - hope you find it helpful :)
