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Thursday, August 9, 2012

I fell :-(

I fell off the wagon and jumped into the bread basket...aaauughh....I totally comfort ate last night!  Yes night time eating and it was bread...wheat!    I don't know why?  it was there; I was there; then it was in my belly.  Total comfort food meltdown -  tea and toast with peanut butter and jam.    Its my weakness but I have been so good for so long I don't know what got into me.   Hormones!!   they betrayed me again.   I felt the stressed and didn't use any of my techniques to release (I have a few that work) I just went for the easiest path :-(   food.....aaaaughhh.

Okay I have confessed my sins;  time to brush off the dirt and get up and jump back on the wagon.  Its actually very cleansing to type this out....I wish I could do this with all my stuff that I seem to like to beat myself up with but then I would be putting to much private information out there....and we all know that's hasn't turn out well for some of our blogging friends.  I miss Wednesday Confessionals :-( 



  1. Back on track today. No beating yourself up for it (although I would analyse the "why" and try to avoid it next time). Hope you don't have an "ill effect" from eating the wheat like it did - although if you did, it cures you from wanting to eat it again :)

    1. The reason is Hormonal but venting here actually helps relieve it and gets me back on track immediately; I also suffer from the 'need for perfection' which is also a life long battle for me so getting out there and looking at in type helps with the releasing the need for it. It helps me to be okay with the idea that; if you fall that's all it is, just a moments and it's okay...I don't need to continue the abusive behavior of I didn't do it perfectly so I have failed.

      ...I am going to one of my health care professional today to see what help they can provide with the hormonal issue.

    2. I can relate to perfectionism ... it's a curse :)

  2. If you think about it there is nothing that wrong with what you ate if it was BFC bread, low sugar peanut butter and natures hollow.
    Don't feel bad - just move on. Let me know on the hormone thing.

  3. It's the getting back up that will make you successful! Good luck with the hormones, getting older isn't for wimps:)

  4. Good luck with getting your hormones figured out. My sister is going through all of this right now as well. I'm hoping she'll have some good tips for me since my turn is just around the corner, likely sooner than later, since early menopause runs in our family.

  5. Ditto everyone else, and I look forward to hearing about your doctor's visit!

  6. hi all, i am new here and new to belly fat. i just finished my 1 week mark and am down 12.5 lbs. i can relate to the night time comfort eating, that was my old mo. but i think you are missing an important point. yes, you need to get the hormone thing figured out but one of the things we all have to do is be accountable for our choices and our behaviors. i dont mean to be rude or anything, but you need to take responsibility for your choice to eat the bad foods, until you do you will always be in danger of doing it again. those foods will always be on the bad list for you. hormones or not. i hope i make some sense. i also hope you will let me be a part of this wonderful support group as i feel i need some back up! on to week 2!
    sorry my shift key is broken, so no caps!

  7. First of all, congratulations for the loss. As regards to being responsible for our choices, I don't think anyone would take offense or disagree with you. I think it's more of a "talking to the choir" type of thing. We all do take responsibility for the choices we make, but sometimes it helps to get to the root of *why* we sometimes have the impulses we do so that we can put our energies into the correct battle. Many of the ladies in our group are in this phase of life right now (perimenopause) and are trying to figure out how to get through it as easy as possible, and that includes dealing with abnormally crazy cravings.

    Thanks for caring, and welcome to our wonderful, little group. :)

  8. i can relate with what you are saying daisy, I was sent into surgical menopause in 2003. i was 34 yrs old and had no idea what to expect. i went on hrt because thats what the doc told me to do, while recovering i did the research and i got off it asap. it is a difficult time and i feel for those who are strugging with it. best to you all! btw, i occaisionally go crazy now and then, but for the most part my menop. symptoms are all controlled...for the most part...lol!
